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The Farr-e Kiyani or the symbol of the Zoroastrian religion the primary religion of Iran before Islam and is the most worn pendant among Iranians and has become a secular national symbol, rather than a religious symbol. It symbolizes good thoughts (پندار نیک pendār-e Nik), good words (گفتار نیک goftār-e Nik), and good deeds (کردار نیک kerdār-e Nik), which are the basic tenets and principles of Zoroastrianism.
Fravahar means "the progressing force"
Zoroastrians believe that human beings are composed of five forces: 1-Body 2. Energy 3. Spirit 4. Consciousness 5. Faravahar
Fravahar is a particle of the essence of God that was introduced into the human being at the moment of its creation. He constantly guides human beings towards progress and, after death, unchanged, he returns to his sacred essence.
The Farr-e Kiyani or the symbol of the Zoroastrian religion
Upward Hand: To progress in life, always pray for God and worship Him and be grateful for Him
Ring Held in the Left Hand: (Symbol of Covenant and Promise) To progress in life, always keep your promises and keep your covenants. Wedding rings have roots in this symbol.
Luminous aged face: To progress in life, consult with sage, cognizant and wise people.
Two Extended Wings: (Attached to the Ring in the Middle) Each wing has three parts which are symbols of good thoughts, good words, and good deeds. The stronger our wings of good thoughts, words, and deeds, the higher we can soar in the rolling motion of the universe.
Ring in the Middle: (Symbol of rolling motion of the universe) Any object moving on a circular path gets backs to its initial position. If we do good, we are given good, if we do bad, we see bad results.
Sepanta Minoo: (Pure and Sacred Thoughts) The pure and sacred thoughts should be placed in the front so that they accelerate progress.
Lower sinker of the figure: This sinker is composed of three parts and it is a symbol of bad thoughts, bad words, and bad deeds. The heavier the sinker of our thoughts, words, and deeds, the more impediments appear in the way of our progress in the rolling motion of the universe.
Angar Minoo: or Ahriman (devastating thoughts) These thoughts should be left behind and paid no attention to.
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