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Iran Saffron
Saffron Za'faran (saffron) is a term derived from Old Persian and Sanskrit languages and has been spelled so in Shahnameh, the epic of kings. Arabic texts seldom refer to saffron and wherever they speak about it they refer to Persian books from Avicenna and Razi. Saffron's habitat is in Iran and India and it doesn't grow in any Arabic country in a natural manner. The cultivation of saffron in Iran began approximately three thousand years ago. It is red, precious, and void of stem and has a bulb. Since saffron grows in deserts it is known as red gold or desert gold. Out of 150 flowers, only one gram of saffron is extracted and from approximately 147 thousand fresh saffron flowers only 1 kg of dry saffron is extracted.

Shahnameh which has been composed by Abolqasem Ferdowsi about a thousand years ago is one of the most important epics in the world and is the best source that reflects the political beliefs, customs, and rites of the Iranians Shahnameh, composed of approximately 50 thousand verses, is a masterpiece of Persian epic and the best source which reveals the identity of the Iranians. The last edition of Shahnameh by Ferdowsi was done in the lunar years 401 or a  thousand years ago. The millennium of the grand Shahnameh was celebrated by Iran and UNESCO in the year 2010.

Cyrus Day
Cyrus the Great Day  is an informal day in Iran that takes place on 7th of Aban, the eighth month on the Iranian calendar – usually occurring  on 29 October on the Gregorian calendar – to commemorate Cyrus the Great the founder of Achaemenian dynasty, greatest Iranian Empire. The most outstanding event of this day is Iranian meeting in the tomb of Cyrus, located in Pasargadae.

Persian CAT
The Persian cat is one of the oldest and most famous cats in the world. Long-haired Persian cats have been seen by foreign travelers in Iran during the 16th century A.D. and even earlier. These cats were transferred in 1620 to Italy and France by Pietro de la Ville, who visited Iran during the 16th century. After that Persian cats found their way into the Untied Kingdom. The Iranian cat is known as the Persian cat in other languages in the world. Pictures of Persian cats have been displayed in many scientific and historical books and paintings and even the stamps printed in the West.

How the country became known as 'Iran'?
The word 'Iran' was known as “Airya’ in ancient Iran and ‘erān'in Old Persian language and is derived from ancient Airya nama' or the land of noble people. The term ‘Arya’was spelled as ‘Airya and Arya in Old Persian and Sanskrit. Meanwhile in Sanskrit *Arya’ means a lord and superior person and ‘Aryaka' means a respectable person. This term was spelled *Airyana' in Old Pahlavi, ‘Air’in Dari Persian and ‘Airya’ in Aryan language.